Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Projects Discovered

As I told you, over the Christmas Break, I went back into my tub of possible projects for the winter and found that I had purchased several birdhouses and a butterfly box kit. I will be using ideas from the book I mentioned in the previous post and am gathering other items that will be a part of the finished birdhouses.

In order to get a good variety of birdhouse themes I was able to buy the rest of the wooden birdhouses from the clearance shelf back in November and so this picture shows the variety of themes possible.

Unfortunately, I was sick for most of the Christmas Break so these are projects that will take some time over the next few weekends to complete.

Once these are decorated they can be given as gifts or saved for my own backyard. One precaution, however - if you plan to keep these birdhouses outside make sure that the first coat of paint you put on them is a GOOD sealer. This will keep the wood from weathering over the course of a season.

I'll post pictures of these projects as I finish them.


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